Framed Stop Motion Animation Tool

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Framed for OS X
Mac OS X 10.2 or greater
Framed for OS 8 - 9
Tested on OS 8.6 - 9.2

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Framed is a Free Stop Motion Animation Tool

Framed is a quick and easy tool to create animations from a series of still pictures. You can use Framed to assemble stop-motion animations or create an impressive cinematic sequence by rapidly flipping through numerous images.


What's new in version 1.3?


Here's what people are saying about Framed...

"Wow! Does exactly what it says, and does it very quickly and well. EXACTLY what I've needed, and been looking for, for weeks! Couldn't fit my needs better. Not a ton of features, but doesn't need 'em. Highly recommended."

"Nice, does what it says. Loads my digicam JPGs quick and creates a slideshow."